
The Aghara have slowly been building in number over recent months. Mostly thought to be an unorganized group, they have been seen around town vandalizing buildings and causing mild inconveniences. Little is known about them or their goals.

Market Attack

On the 9th of Flamerule, the Aghara led an attack on The Market, burning stalls and clashing with City Guard and residents of the city. They vandalized the Statue of Nocea and spread thousands of pamphlets throughout The Market which read:

Wake up citizens of Port George! The city’s elite have lulled you into a false sense of security. They continue to get richer and more powerful while you, the people, slave daily doing the real work for the city. It is time for change. Join the Aghara in liberty!

Meeting Invitation

After the fight in the stadium, the Aghara left a note for the market heroes inviting them to a meeting with the Aghara’s leader Propova. The note read:

My fellow citizens and warriors for the people. I worry that we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I truly want what is best for this city, and from what I have heard, so do you. I would love to meet you and have a better chance to discuss our dreams for the city.

On Sequitur of this Tenday at 11 in the evening, throw a gold piece into the Merchant’s Fortune Fountain. One of my Aghara agents will meet and escort you to my safehouse where we can discuss how we can save this city together.

The people’s servant,
